Like, I mean, You know...
I read somewhere that Geniuses don't repeat what they say while others repeat what they say several times mostly by rephrasing their sentences without adding any new information in the process. If an ordinary guy, like me, has to explain something he or she will be repeating and rephrasing his sentences and conveying the information that he or she has already conveyed.
Anyway, I decided to conscientiously observe myself and others in order to verify whether or not this is correct. And believe it or not, it's true. All of us (including myself) use phrases such as - Like, I mean, You know etc. as starting or connecting phrases. I don't know why we do this, but we do. I also decided to see if this is because of the influence of contemporary cinema or television, but it isn't. The dialogues in movies and TV shows convey whatever they have to very crisply. I guess they have to, otherwise people will walk out of the hall or switch to another channel on TV.
I mean, I read somewhere that Geniuses don't repeat what they say while others repeat what they say several times... :)